Whatcha Gonna Do?

Whatcha Gonna Do?

On the most recent Public Enemy record, Chuck D and Flavor Flav ask the heavy question, “Whatcha gonna do when the grid goes down?” 

And if you’re like me, your answer might be “Play Music!” Of course PE’s point is that it won’t be no picnic. But until then we can pretend right?

Speaking if pretending…. here’s three Positive Grid and Spark amps with enough amp modeling and on-board effects to satisfy the gear nerds and the tone hounds alike… without all the pesky gear to haul around. 

All kidding aside, there’s a reason why these type of amps are popular now. The modern guitar player tends to need less power and has back issues from dragging Twin Reverbs around from gig to gig. Plus with rents the way they are nowadays, we need things to fit into tighter places too. 

The Spark/Positive Grid amps are arguably the new Pods with a nice, modern look…. but they’re taken the guitar world by storm. There’s an App for that! 

More info on the website. Peace out!

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