Happy Fall Ya’ll

Happy Fall Ya’ll

Here at Georgetown Music we love Halloween and Earthquaker Devices. As you may know, we stock and deal with a lot of different effects companies, but only Earthquaker hook us up free swag, and coffee beans and treat us with respect like our little store means something….

Here’s a fun photo from their 2022 calander with goofy art and their famous Afterneath reverb. We love them and their effects. Plus good art doesn’t hurt!

Also wanted to mention their Astral Destiny is 10% off through Halloween. (Not pictured…) A sneaky, eerie reverb with octave and modulation for off-center instrumentalists such as yourself.

So come down and grab some EQD effects for your next pedal and give back to the raddest outfit from Dayton, OH since Devo. Happy fall ya’ll…
