Synths. Synths. Synths.

Synths. Synths. Synths.

The shop’s full of great synths right now for all your knob-twiddling wants and needs. Here’s four picks for their uniqueness and sonic flexibility.

-Korg Limited Edition Bass Minilogue. Easy 16-step sequencer and 4 voice analog circuitry with custom patches for low end inclinations. NEW $579.99

-Roland Juno-X Polyphonic Synthesizer. 61 key wonder exploding with rich digital analog-modeled patches, including OG Roland voicing for the modern age. NEW $2099.99

-Moog Minitaur Subharmonic Bass Machine which delivers deep monophonic bass synth thickness. USED $500

-Elektron Model: Cycles. Six track FM synth/drum machine with, 16-step sequencing, midi and USB connectivity and on-board effects. USED $225
