Guild S-200 T-Bird

Guild S-200 T-Bird

Fun guitar alert. It’s Guild’s S-200 T-Bird. This guitar first saw light in the mid-sixties and was Guild’s answer to the Jazzmaster, at least it had some of the same ideas going on. Extra tones available through different circuits, off-set body shape, tremolo bridge, beautiful finish work, etc. This is the modern reissue. Excellent build quality. Just a rock-solid set-neck electric guitar.

Guild changed hands in the late 90s, being sold to Fender. Fender ran with them for a good chunk there, then about 5 years ago Fender sold the company to Cordoba Music Group. They’ve been bringing back the mojo for sure with great build quality, classic models and amazing prices. We love them. Their acoustics and electrics are excellent and affordable.

The T-Bird is a fantasticly versatile instrument. Take it out for a night of rock n roll… it won’t leave ya hangin. Test drive it with some jazz licks… no sweat. Down-tune for doom? Hell yeah. Reggae? Dare ya to find a reason not to. Classic rock…. you bet. I could do this forever.
